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Year 6
Mental Wellbeing

Year 6

November 2022

Just as we started to all feel like sugar cubes as a result of the dark, cloudy skies and the relentless pitter-patter of rain, November the 15th arrived like a breath of fresh air: a well-deserved reprieve after a month’s worth of doing our best in all our subjects, showing ambition and resilience.

We took full advantage of our overarching value of tolerance while emerging ourselves in our art focus for this day; it offered us the valuable opportunity to be considerate with one another as we shared resources. We had quite a few inspiring activities to keep us engaged:

  • We first took our pencils for a walk. We know that sounds strange but it is a very apt description. We used our rulers to draw ‘random’ lines across our pages which veered off in different directions. We then used different artistic techniques to fill the empty spaces that were created. It almost served as a mood board as it was a true expression of (or extension of) ourselves. In its finished form, all neatly laminated and ready to go on our sketch books, it was a kaleidoscope of ideas and represented our different personalities. No two is the same.
  • As anti-bullying is an important topic, and we had previously spent time in PSHE to have a better understanding on how to deal with this issue; we now had inspiration to create posters to make sure that everybody know that we have a, “Zero tolerance policy for bullying at WHA”. You will see our posters around the school.
  • It is important on wellbeing day to also reflect upon ourselves. It is important to take stock of our wellbeing: who we are; what concerns we have; what strategies do we have in our quivers; and how to deal with our stressors. This wellbeing day, our inner thoughts culminated in self-portraits in the style of Jean-Michel Basquiat. We were very creative with our oil pastels and some of us even represented our self-images in hues of blue and green skin tones. We were very appreciative of each other’s expression – each creation was a master piece!

We cannot wait for next month’s wellbeing day; we are already wondering about what Mrs Snowden has in mind for us in order to recharge our batteries and our wellbeing.

October 2022

Like September, all the children were excited about the well-being day and wondered what the focus of the day was going to be about! We started our October well-being day with talking about diversity within our classroom. We talked about symbols or words that represented children’s faith, ethnicity, country of origin, language or family. The children enjoyed representing themselves by drawing a picture of their faith or religion. Apart from this, children drew ‘My Table Tree’ where they drew 6 boxes or fruit to write the name and religion of the person from their table.

Next, we talked about what is Windrush. What is its importance? Who has been affected and how has it impacted people’s lives. Children learnt that on 22nd June each year, people join to celebrate British Caribbean communities and acknowledge the contributions the Windrush generation and their descendants have made to British society.

We ended our productive day by creating a poem about kindness. The children created wonderful poems using different synonyms for kind words to give positive messages to each other. All in all, Children loved this well-being day.

September 2022

The 15th September was our first Wellbeing day. Like last year, we always look forward to the day. 

This month the theme was resilience and I think it is a great way to start the well-being day. As we are in Year 6, we need to show resilience  with our learning as we will do SATs in May. Also we are now the senior most children in school.

We liked talking about our Action Aid Child - Prashaad from Nepal. We talked about how he shows resilience in his day-to-day activities. 

We need to be strong and tough and build ourselves so that we don't give up now or later.

Written by: Jiya and Oliver R