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Board Games

Board Games

Reception Board Games Club

We have had lots of fun in the Board Games Club this half term.  We have played "Guess Who" "Snakes and ladders", "Ludo" and, our favourite, "Monopoly".  We have learnt a lot about turn taking, waiting our turn and helping our peers.  We have thoroughly enjoyed counting up the money at the end of the game to see who has won- being very grown up and happy fort the winner!  We have listened so well to the rules that we were able to continue a game without needing the help of an adult.

Year 3 Board Games Club

In Board Games Club we have been enjoying playing some different games such as Connect4, Snakes and Ladders, Jenga, HeadsUp, Frustration and Kerplunk.  We have been developing  our turn taking skills as well as building friendships with people we do not normally play with in the playground.  In some of the games we have been learning new tactics and strategies in order to succeed.

There has been an on-going competition to be the champion in Connect 4! We have shared some tactics and many have improved by thinking a few moves ahead.

Have a look at the pictures of the two final games played.  If you were going to make the next move, what would you do?

Year 6 Board Games Club

In the Board Games Club, we have learnt new skills including how to play a variety of games that we have never played before.  We had lots of fun and realised hat participation is just as enjoyable as winning.