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Welcome to the Governors' Page

A message from the Chair of the Academy Council:

‘It is an immense privilege to serve as a Governor at Western House Academy.  We are a diverse group of volunteers, each bringing different skills, strengths and experience but we all share a common interest, drive and commitment to your children’s success, enjoyment and wellbeing.  We believe strongly in the school’s values, in promoting its community and in providing every opportunity we can for your children to discover their potential and flourish.  We are very proud of Western House Academy, I hope you are too.’

Simon Carter

The Academy Council 

The Academy Council has a strategic and supportive role in running the school, and we work in close partnership with the Principal who remains responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of school business and the staff.  Our aim is to maintain a strategic view, ensure accountability and provide a critical friend.

We meet formally at least once per term when, as a minimum, we will discuss progress against the Academy Development Plan, our financial position, and hold the Principal to account for achieving pupil outcomes.  Strategic decisions concerning the school are made by the Academy Council.  In addition, every Governor has a formal link role, overseeing a specific aspect of school activity and providing support to the Senior Leadership Team or staff responsible for that area.  The Chair has further responsibility to represent Western House Academy at the Park Federation Board where the Directors, Trustees and CEO confirm that academies are working effectively to achieve the best pupil outcomes and that the full benefits of being a multi-academy trust are being realised.

We can often be seen around the school and at various events so please do approach us and let us know the things that concern you, or of course the things we are doing well.  Your feedback and contribution are important to us and fundamental to upholding Western House Academy as a community with a common purpose.

Alternatively, you can write via the Chair at: 

Our Work 

We make a formal commitment to the school. On taking up the role of a Governor, we personally undertake to conduct at least one link visit in our respective area each term and our attendance record at Council meetings is monitored.

You may be surprised by the span of Governors’ activities:

  • We are involved in creating the Academy’s Development Plan and setting our annual targets, and in the school’s budgeting process. 
  • We monitor progress and standards in the school, including meeting staff and talking to pupils and parents. 
  • We support aspects of school management such as investment decisions, contract reviews, grievance or disciplinary actions.  We have specific responsibilities with regard to monitoring Safeguarding, SEND and use of the Pupil Premium Grant. 
  • Most important of all, we make sure we understand and know the school through joining various events and activities through the year.

We attend training sessions to ensure we have the right skills to work effectively as a governing body and the necessary knowledge of aspects of national Education Policy.  Our work is looked at by Ofsted and monitored by The Park Federation. 

We keep parents updated on our work through our own newsletters

Becoming a Governor 

The structure of our Academy Council is laid down by The Park Federation and is the same for all schools in the trust. Academy Councils are a formal and integral part of the federation’s governance structure and are accountable as such.  Each council is established around:

Three Community Governors – Members of the Community who bring independent view and expertise.  Community Governors are elected by the Academy Council.

Three Parent Governors – Parents of children attending the school, elected by the parent body.

Two Staff Governors – Members of Western House Academy teaching staff.  Staff Governors are elected by the staff body.

Governors serve a term of 4 years, but may serve more than one term subject to re-election.  They are required to formally declare and conflicts of interest and are required to hold DBS vetting.  There are no formal qualifications necessary, although we try to maintain a broad skill base within the Academy Council.  Most important of all, is the willingness and ability to give your time and energy to the role.  If you are interested in volunteering to serve as a Governor, please contact the Chair or Principal for more information.