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Year 5

Year 5

Year 5 2023-24

Welcome to Year 5!


The Year 5 team supporting the pupils to reach their potential this year are as follows:

Miss Majid (Year Team Leader and Teacher of 5 Mai)
Mrs Skinner (Teacher 5 Lewis)

Mr Partridge (Teacher 5 John)

Mrs Brennan (HLTA).

Our Key Workers are: Miss Temour

Throughout the year, the Year 5 team will be doing their best to support the children as whole individuals. The project based learning will continue to make links between other aspects of the curriculum in an interesting and meaningful way. In PBL this year, the children will investigate, London through ‘It’s a Mystery’; Location, Location, Location is a study of Slough, Sao Paulo and Zakopane; Space; Early Islamic Civilization; Ancient Greece and Invaders.

At the start of the year each child in Year 5 will receive a Chromebook. Technology for learning will be blended effectively across the curriculum to enrich and enhance children’s learning experiences and maximise their potential. We want to prepare our children for life beyond Western House Academy (WHA)  in a society that increasingly embraces information technology, by giving them the digital literacy needed to understand its possibilities, limitations and ethics.  

Our aim in Year 5, by using the school values, is to get the children ready for Year 6 by supporting them through consolidating their learning and building on their confidence. This will enable them to solve problems, develop their understanding and apply relevant skills to problem solving and real life situations. This cannot be done alone, with us truly believing in a home-school partnership.