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Year 4

Year 4

Year 4 2023-24

Welcome to Year 4!

The Year 4 team is a vibrant group of enthusiastic teachers who have a wide range of expertise. The team consists of the following staff:

Miss Savage - Year 4 Team Leader, Pupil Voice Leader and teacher of 4 Watson

Miss Poynter - Teacher of 4 Elba

Mrs Mema - Teacher of 4 Dixon

Mrs Tantry - HLTA for Year 4

Mrs Wood - Key Worker for Year 4. 

Mrs Farooq - Keyworker for Year 4

Over the course of the year, we will be covering a wide range of topics in our PBL lessons (Project Based Learning). We will be focusing on 'Narnia'; using the characters to design and make hand puppets that we can use to retell the story of 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' to our Year 1 children.  We will be using our geographical skills to study ‘Rivers and Coasts’. We will visit the Jubilee River and learn about its purpose and identify key features of the river. During our topic of 'Rainforests', we will learn about climate zones, biomes and the layers of the rainforest. This learning will be reinforced with a visit to 'The Living Rainforest'. We will learn about 'Roman Britain' and how life in Britain changed as a result of the invasion and settlement of the Romans. In the Summer Term, we will be focusing on 'Incredible Inventions' where we will look back through history at all of the amazing inventions and discoveries that have made our lives easier. We will end the topic by coming up with our own inventions and presenting them to the year group in the style of 'Dragon's Den'! In Science we will be looking at how we classify living things according to different characteristics. We will also study animals including humans and focus on the digestive system; states of matter to focus on the relationship between solids, liquids and gases; sound and electricity. 

This year, we will be going on the following trips: ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' theatre trip; The Living Rainforest and, The National Gallery. 

We look forward to working with you to support the learning of our children.