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Food Bank

Food Bank

Local Heroes

In Year 3, for PBL, we looked at 'Local Heroes. We made a bag out of an old t-shirt. We put in food for the foodbank. On Tuesday 19th July the volunteers from Slough Food Bank came to our school to collect the food. 

'I felt happy because we could help people who are in need' - Harry. 

'Local Heroes are not heroes who are in films but also ordinary people can be heroes too' - Naomi. 

'The PBL project helped me to learn the running stitch. Now I want to help my mum at home with the stitching' - Dalshaan. 

'There are lots of local heroes like police, paramedics, fire fighters, sea rescuers, vets and also volunteers from the Food Bank' - Grace. 

'I learn how to sew and I learnt to practise more so that I can get better at it' - Felix. 

'WHA is a values based school. Today, after donating the food to Slough Food Bank, we showed the values of respect, teamworks and awe as there was so much food from the Year 3 team' - Year 3.

Email received from Slough Foodbank Manager - 19.7.2022


Dear xxxxxxxx,

Thank you to you, the teachers and pupils for their very generous donations of items for the foodbank received this morning.  They will make such a difference to the lives of families in Slough.

It was great to meet you all and have the opportunity to see the children's lovely bags.

Please find attached a couple of photos for you.

Thanks again for your support and I wish you a happy end of term!

Kind Regards,
