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Year 2

Year 2

Year 2 2023-24

Welcome to Year 2!

Year 2 is an exciting year for the children! They will continue to dive into our amazing curriculum through their love of curiosity.

The team consists of Miss Mr Overton (2 Charles and Year 2 Team Leader), Mrs Bala (2 Victoria), Mrs Frazdaq (2 Elizabeth), Mrs Parmley (Vice Principal), Mrs Dungarwalla (HLTA), Mrs Annesley (Key Worker), Mrs Achour (Key Worker) and Miss Shakeel (Key Worker).

Year 2 sees the beginning of children starting the reading scheme, Accelerated Reader. Children are encouraged to read at home and then complete the quiz related to the book in school. We ask that parents listen to their child read and then encourage their child to discuss the contents of the book. We also start to encourage joined-up handwriting and teach the children how to do this. Some children might find this challenging but with resilience and encouragement the children will find it easier. Extra practise at home in this area would be beneficial to the children - teachers will send home guidance for parents.

Project Based Learning (PBL) is an exciting part of the curriculum. Children enjoy completing their Project Passports at home with their family and are encouraged to share their work with senior leaders across the school. It is important that children are able to transfer the skills that they learn in other areas of the curriculum and are given plenty of opportunity to do this through their writing in PBL.
We will be using Purple Mash and Google Classroom to set up the weekly homework. We would like all children to continue using Times Table Rock Stars to help them to learn the times tables.

At the end of the year, the children are assessed under given guidelines from the government. They sit statutory assessments and this aids the teachers to provide the children with a teacher assessment in Reading, Writing and Maths. Our aim is that by the end of Year 2, all children are able to move into Year 3 with the foundations of all learning secure and they are able to build on that in Key Stage 2.

  • Nina and the Neurons Use your engineering skills to play games and help the Neurons collect stars.