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Times Tables Rock Stars

Times Tables Rock Stars

What is Times Tables Rock Stars?

The children in Year 4 have to sit Multiplication Checks that have been set by the Government. In order to prepare for this, Western House Academy have subscribed to Times Tables Rock Stars. Every child at Western House Academy from Year 1 – 6 has log in details so that they are able to practise them. If you do not have the username and password, please contact the class teacher. 

In Year 1, the children will start off learning the 2 times tables and then move onto the 5 times tables. They need to recognise the division facts alongside the times tables.

In Year 2, the expectations are that the children will know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables alongside the division facts. 

In Year 3, the 3, 4 and 8 times tables will be added.

From Year 4, the expectations are that the children are working on all the times tables up to 12 and so all of the times table have been added.

If your child is below Year 4 but really good at their times tables, there are option tabs across the top of the page that will allow the children to work on all of the times tables up to 12x12. 

With every game that is played, coins are won which allow the pupil to build their profile and add to their avatar.

It has been proven that children learn more when they are having fun and so I urge them urge them to get onto Times Tables Rock Stars and start having fun and learn the times tables as they go. 

Finally, if you want to discuss anything, please come and see me on the playground. I love to hear from the children how well they are doing and also from parents too.

Mrs K. Parmley