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Year 6

Year 6


Welcome to Year 6!

We hope that all our Year 6 pupils have a fun-filled, engaging and a memorable year in WHA.

 The Year 6 team supporting the pupils to reach their potential are:

Vice Principal for Year 4, 5 & 6 - Miss Poynter
6 Arnold Class teacher and Year Team Leader - Mrs Ghosh
6 Daley Class Teacher - Mr Partridge
6 James Class Teacher - Mrs Moore

HLTA - Mr Brennan

Key Worker - Mrs Hack

During the year, we aim to provide a constructive and enjoyable curriculum where learning stems from a range of topics into a variety of subjects, including Reading, English, Maths, Science and Humanities. We have exciting novels to share with the pupils to ensure, not only do children fully immerse themselves in the topic, but they develop reading for pleasure too. 

The learning journey our Year 6 pupils take this year is an important one. The lessons prepared and knowledge imparted are all in aid of supporting their education beyond primary school and into secondary school.  A key focus is to prepare children for SATs week in May. By the end of Year 6, children will be fully ready to take on their next challenge in secondary school!

We are all looking forward to an enjoyable and positive year!